miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Home Sweet Home

The house of your Dreams

Hello everybody!! 

Have you ever dreamt about the house of your dreams? What if you were able to decode how would you like your house? Well, get ready because we are going to study the parts of a house and the furniture of each room, and you will create the house that you always wanted. 

Are you ready?

Day one:

  • First, how many rooms does a house have? What is the name of each room? What kind of furniture is in each room?

For answering these questions lets watch the video:

  • Answer the questions above in your notebook. 
  • Create a square in your notebook which contains:

a) the name of the rooms

b) the furniture of each room

Day 2:

  • Do you remember the vocabulary of the last class? Let's see how good memory you have!

  • Print the crosswords, answer it and stick it on you notebook. (It is also in the Dropbox folder)

How was it? Easy, right?

  • Now look at the next images and look carefully the furniture that is in there. Can you name it all? Make a list on your notebook with all the new vocabulary. Here are some web pages that may be useful.




Living room



Day 3:

Now that you have learn furniture and house vocabulary, and that you have seen images of houses, how do you imagine your own house? 

  • Go to the next web page and design your own house. Create different images in order to create a power point presentation that you will present in class. Use the dropbox to upload the presentation.



I hope you have enjoyed these activities and that you have learned from them. All this word will be useful in order to express yourself easily and correctly.

But before you go, please tell me: What did you like the most? What was the most difficult? What do you think that it's the most important or useful?

Thanks for your comment!

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